Treat stretch marks and bask in your skin with creams for stretch marks

With rapid gain or loss in weight, there is a corresponding stretching of the skin, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks in both men and women. The stretching happens when the collagen or elastin fibers tear during puberty or pregnancy, creating the unsightly scars. You do not get rid of these marks completely. However, you can use some of the best creams for stretch marks to visibly reduce their appearance or color.

A few treatment options exist that can improve the appearance of the marks permanently. The pulsed-dye laser can fade stretch marks when the marks are relatively new and still red. However, you would need around two to six treatment sessions, with four to six weeks gap in between any two. Results would also vary. For some, it is a 25 percent improvement and for others, it is a 75 percent improvement.

Four or five sessions using a fractional non-ablative laser can also improve the texture of relatively old stretch marks by up to 50 percent. However, laser surgery, dermabrasion, or prescription retinoid are costly and painful. Many a times, your insurance company would also not foot the bill, as these procedures fall outside the ambit of medical insurance.

This makes the creams for stretch marks all the more popular. People who are not willing to go under the knife but want to reduce the appearance of their stretch marks prefer this option. This way, they can reduce the appearance of their stretch marks without the painful effects or recovery time associated with lasers or surgery.

Celtrixa is one such stretch marks lotion containing a proprietary blend of key ingredients to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks by softening them and evening out the skin tone. These ingredients protect skin by keeping it hydrated and supple. Thousands of men and women are using Celtrixa every day to improve the look and feel of their stretch marks.

If you find yourself in a similar predicament, you can also start using some of the most effective creams. Stretch marks creams like Celtrixa help you get back a clear and blemish free skin.


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